Vol. 4
No 2
November 2014
© 2014
written about Third or Fourth World nor those describing Western states. The accounts of what
went on in existing socialist countries, how they have been transformed and how anthropologists
have been able to record and analyse them belong to the very core of the discipline’s
epistemological make up. Anthropologists studying first hand urban processes of state socialist
legacies —
the anthropology of socialism and post-socialism to use the phrase fashioned by
Chris Hann —
could be extremely valuable for various issues within the anthropological
enterprise, not the least urban anthropology. Unfortunately, despite the many excellent recent
studies published, it is obvious that the region has remained marginal in mainstream
anthropology (see Kürti and Sklanik 2009). Urgently, we need more sound analyses that can
redress this problem.
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Themes and Trends in Urban Anthropological-ethnographic
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East European
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Kürti, L. (1998). The emergence of post-communist youth identities in Eastern Europe: From
communist youth, to skinheads, to national socialist. In J. Kaplan and T. Bjorgo (eds).
Kürti, L. (1999). Cameras and other gadgets: Reflections on fieldworks in socialist and
post-socialist Hungarian communities.
Social Anthropology
, 7 (2): 169-187.
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Youth and the State in Hungary: Capitalism, Communism and Class.
London: Pluto Press.
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