Vol. 4
No 2
November 2014
© 2014
Barth, F., Gingrich, A., Parkin, R. and Silverman, S. (eds) (2005).
One Discipline, Four
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Cernea, M. and McDowell, C. (eds) (2000).
Risks and Reconstruction: Experiences of
Resettlers and Refugees
. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
Fullilove, M. (2004).
Root Shock: How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurts America, and
What We Can Do About It
. New York: One World/Ballantine Books.
Koenig, D. (2009). Urban Relocation and Resettlement: Distinctive Problems, Distinctive
Opportunities. In A. Oliver-Smith (ed.).
Marcus, J. and Sabloff, J. (eds) (2008).
The Ancient City: New Perspectives on Urbanism in
the Old and New World
. Santa Fe, NM: School for Advanced Research.
Morris, C. (2008). Links in the Chain of Inka Cities: Communication, Alliance, and the
Cultural Production of Status, Value, and Power. In
J. Marcus and J. Sabloff (eds).
Oliver-Smith, A. (ed.) (2009).
Development and Dispossession: The Crisis of Forced
Displacement and Resettlement
. Santa Fe NM: School for Advanced Research Press.
Prato, G. B. and Pardo, I. (2013). ‘Urban Anthropology’.
3 (2): 80-110. Available
Silverman, S. (2005.) The United States. In F. Barth, A. Gingrich, R. Parkin and S. Silverman
Smith, M. (ed.) (2003).
The Social Construction of Ancient Cities
. Washington, DC:
Smithsonian Books.
Stone, E. (2008). A Tale of Two Cities: Lowland Mesopotamia and Highland Anatolia. In
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László Kürti, PhD
University of Miskolc, Hungary
In their essay recently published this Journal (2013) Giuliana Prato and Italo Pardo have
offered a useful summary of what urban anthropology is all about, explaining its origin and
current diverse outlook. Since Eastern Europe falls outside their scope, I provide here
information about my research in Budapest, Hungary. Because current urban anthropological
concerns throughout the region are diverse with many national strands complicating the
picture from Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia (see, for example, Kürti and Skalnik
eds 2009, Mihailescu 2009, Soukupová 2010). Since I came to study that city as an American
PhD researcher my subsequent publications reflect mostly Euro-American anthropology, but
since I have been living now in Hungary for two decades, both teaching and researching, I
also know how my colleagues in Hungary approached the subject of urban studies. However,