Vol. 12 – Suppl. 6 – April 2022

HomeVol. 12 – Suppl. 6 – April 2022

Table of Contents

Special Issue, Healthcare and Public Health: Questions of Legitimacy
Edited by Italo Pardo and Giuliana B. Prato

Introduction–On Legitimacy, Healthcare and Public Health
Italo Pardo and Giuliana B. Prato

Healthcare Ethics in Urban Europe: Between Charity and National Welfare
Giuliana B. Prato

Illegitimate Rule Harms Italians’ Health and Safety
Italo Pardo

Local Perspectives on the Legitimacy of Health Institutions in Manantali, Mali
Dolores Koenig and Tiéman Diarra

Legality and Morality in Cancer Care-The Right to Choose:
Constructing ‘Otherness’ in Medical Pluralism

Falia Varelaki

Legitimizing Spiritual Healing:
The Right to Folk Medicine in Contemporary South Korea and Israel

Liora Sarfati

Long Covid/Long View: Searching for Legitimate Care
Judy Arnold

The Views of Selected Tennesseans on Universal Health Care as a Right
Talbot Rogers

Health and People with Disabilities. A Medical Anthropology View
Manos Spyridakis

Covid-19 Pandemic, Health Policy and the Question of Legitimacy in Turkey
Ebru Kayaalp Jurich

Negotiating Power over Human Bodies:
Populism, People and the Politics of Health in Delhi

Subhadra Mitra Channa

Managing Public Health in a Fragile Consociation:
Lebanon between Wars, Explosions and the Covid-19 Pandemic

Marcello Mollica

Interrogating the Public Health Approach:
Lessons from the Field of Urban Violence

Gary Armstrong and James Rosbrook-Thompson

Crisis, Rupture and Legitimacy: Final Reflections
David Nugent

Notes on Contributors