Italo Pardo
University of Kent, UK
Jerome Krase
Brooklyn College, City University
of New York, U.S.A.
Assistant Editor:
Andrew Sanchez
Max Planck Institute for
Social Anthropology, Halle-Saale, Germany
Scientific Board:
Michael Ian Borer
University of Nevada, Las
Vegas, U.S.A.
Subhadra Channa
University of Dehli, India
Judith DeSena
St. John’s University, New York,
Paola De Vivo
University of Naples Federico II,
Michael Fischer
University of Kent, UK
Christian Giordano
University of Fribourg,
John Gledhill,
University of Manchester, UK
Rosemary Harris,
University College London,
Gustavo Lins Ribeiro,
University of Brasilia,
Fernando Monge,
UNED, Spain
Jonathan Parry,
London School of Economics
and Political Science, UK
Henk Pauw,
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan
University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Giuliana B. Prato,
University of Kent, UK
Michel Rautenberg,
University of St Etienne,
Timothy Shortell,
Brooklyn College, City
University of New York, U.S.A.
Andrew Mugsy Spiegel,
University of Cape
Town, South Africa
Manos Spyridakis,
University of the
Peloponnese, Greece
Davide Torsello,
University of Bergamo, Italy
Zdeněk Uherek,
Czech Academy of Sciences
and Charles University, Prague.
Alex Weingrod,
Ben Gurion University, Israel
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- Journal of the IUAES
Commission on Urban Anthropology.
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Graphic design:
Carmine De Falco
& Tonino Ferro
Front cover copyrights:
Bronze Sun © 1997 Lello Esposito
Cityscape © 2011 Giuliana B. Prato