Urbanities is indexed by:
“This journal collects and publishes excellent ethnographic research.” (Scopus Evaluation Team)
- ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences)
- Clarivate/Thomson Reuters – Web of Science Master Journal List (Emerging Sources Citation Index)
- International Journal Guide (AJE – American verified journals) whitelist of reputable titles
- Academic Keys Journal Database
- OpenAccessArticles
- InfoBase Index
- American Sociological Association-ASA Publishing Options Database
- AESOP Young Academics
Several academic organizations have inbound links to URBANITIES and the journal is carried by many list-servers; for example:
- International Urban Symposium-IUS
- Commission on Urban Anthropology (CUA)
- Palgrave Macmillan Social Sciences Matters<
As well as:
WCAA; H-Net; Anpocs (the Portal of Brazilian Social Sciences), APEA (Professional Association of Anthropology); CIESAS (Mexican Centre of Research and Study in Social Anthropology); Balkans Digest; EASA (various networks); Socsci (Social Science, Israel); Compurb-l; etc.