Table of Contents
Special Issue, The Dreams and Nightmares of City Development
Guest Editors, Olsi Lelaj and Nebi Bardhoshi
Introduction—The Dreams and Nightmares of City Development:
Urban Planning, Ideologies and Social Movements in Contemporary Cities
Olsi Lelaj and Nebi Bardhoshi
Re-interpreting National Ideology in the Contemporary Urban Space of Astana
Nelly Bekus and Kulshat Medeuova
Urban Transformations, Ideologies of Planning and Actors’ Interplay
in a Booming City-Austin, Texas
Marie Le Guen
Landscapes of Globalization in Ordinary Towns: Logistics and Trade Apparatus
Fabrice Raffin, with Oliver Pollet
Transforming Places, Changing Deities: Forms of Spatial and Symbolic Negotiation in Marseille
Maria Elena Buslacchi
Institutional Actors in Action: Building Governance in the City
Paola De Vivo
Youth in Ramallah: Internal Fragmentation under Occupation
Mariangela Gasparotto